Drain the Oceans
Nature & the Environment

The most intriguing and iconic mysteries of the deep, in some of the most spectacular locations on the planet.
Catch this title and similar content under these categories: Documentaries
Cast: Craig Sechler
Language: English
Alaska (S06, Ep1)
Draining Alaska's extreme north reveals the graveyard of a tragic fleet.
In English
Rise of the Mob (S06, Ep2)
Lost wrecks reveal how the Mob gained power and wealth in 1920s America.
In English
Secrets of the Dinosaurs (S06, Ep3)
Palaeontologists journey from Patagonia to Canada to overturn popular misconceptions about dinosaurs...
In English
The Myth of the Pacific Pirate Ship (S06, Ep4)
Fragments of porcelain and blocks of beeswax lead to a 250-year-old shipwreck and a forgotten trade route...
In English
Invasion USA (S06, Ep5)
A US flagship wreck reveals the British burning of the White House in 1814.
In English
$20 Million Time Bomb (S06, Ep6)
A bomb, murder, and a foiled multi-million insurance scam on the high seas.
In English