Asian Billionaires
Asian Billionaires is a mockumentary about a billionaire family navigating their rich people's problems.
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Cast: Gurmit Singh, Annette Lee, Benjamin Kheng
Language: English
$50 Million Home Holiday (Ep1)
Paul and Elizabeth Swee organise a home vacation for the family in their $50-million-dollar bungalow.
In English
Proud To Be Humble (Ep2)
After their family driver falls ill, Paul decides to take steps to encourage the family to live a humble life.
In English
Chinese Is A Rich Language (Ep3)
Elizabeth mandates that the family only speak to each other in Mandarin for a day.
In English
Why I Don't Befriend Poor People (Ep4)
Vick is certain he’s only friends with Max this whole time to freeload off him and devises a plan.
In English
The Meaning Of Money (Ep5)
The Swees find themselves reflecting on things that are more important than money.
In English