Charlie Hustle & The Matter of Pete Rose

The life and career of all-time hit leader Pete Rose.
Catch this title and similar content under these categories: Max, Complete Seasons, Documentaries, For Suites and First Class
Cast: Pete Rose, Pete Rose Jr., Mike Schmidt, Ken Griffey Sr., Tommy Helms
Language: English
Subtitles: English (Closed Captions)
The Longshot (Ep1)
Former Cincinnati Reds star Pete Rose reignites his quest for reinstatement.
In English with English (Closed Captions) subtitles
The Dirty Work (Ep2)
As Rose becomes the face of baseball in the '70s, behind the scenes his family life begins to fall apart.
In English with English (Closed Captions) subtitles
One of One (Ep3)
After retiring, a gambling scandal finds Rose banished from the sport for life.
In English with English (Closed Captions) subtitles
One Last Record (Ep4)
Two decades after finally admitting he bet on baseball, Rose makes one last bid for reinstatement.
In English with English (Closed Captions) subtitles