Young Sheldon

For young Sheldon Cooper, it isn't easy growing up in a land where church and football are king.
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Cast: Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber
Language: English
A Wiener Schnitzel and Underwear in a Tree (Ep1)
With the Cooper house in chaos, Missy steps up, on the season seven premiere of Young Sheldon.
In English
A Roulette Wheel and a Piano Playing Dog (Ep2)
Sheldon realises he is the weakest student in his class; Meemaw is looking to expand her gambling business.
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A Strudel and a Hot American Boy Toy (Ep3)
Sheldon explores Germany behind Mary's back, Missy attempts to pull a fast one on George Sr.
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Ants on a Log and a Cheating Winker (Ep4)
Missy steps up, Mary has a surprise for George, and Sheldon finds his dorm occupied.
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A Frankenstein's Monster and a Crazy Church Guy (Ep5)
Sheldon helps his roommate try to beat the stock market, and Missy and Billy Sparks throw a party.
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Baptists, Catholics and an Attempted Drowning (Ep6)
Georgie and Mandy's wedding plans pit Mary against Mandy's mom, Audrey, with baby CeeCee caught in the middle.
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A Proper Wedding and Skeletons in the Closet (Ep7)
Georgie and Mandy get married! Meanwhile, Meemaw’s gambling room gets raided.
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An Ankle Monitor and a Big Plastic Crap House (Ep8)
Sheldon studies to be Meemaw’s lawyer when she is put on house arrest, and the Coopers have a emergency.
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A Fancy Article and a Scholarship for a Baby (Ep9)
Sheldon's published paper leads to a frenzy of grad school recruiting, and Georgie tries to speak properly.
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Community Service and the Key to a Happy Marriage (Ep10)
Meemaw gets assigned a tough probation officer, and Georgie takes marriage advice from his father-in-law.
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A Little Snip and Teaching Old Dogs (Ep11)
George Sr. is worried that Mary wants another baby and gets a vasectomy behind her back.
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A New Home and a Traditional Texas Torture (Ep12)
George Sr. gets an exciting job offer, and Sheldon prepares for his move to California.
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Funeral (Ep13)
Young Sheldon ends its seven-year run with a must-see two-episode series finale.
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Memoir (Ep14)
Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik reprise their roles as Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler.
In English