How well do you know the Singapore film scene? Take our quiz and find out!
Text: Raymond Tan
Images: Glenlivet, Unsplash (Museums Victoria), © Giraffe Pictures, © MM2, © 7 Letters, Eric Khoo, ©2024 Sinema.SG, Pexels (Ron Lach, Jacob Von Bank, Cottonbro Studio)
The Singapore Film Quiz
Singapore may be a young nation, but its film industry enjoys a rich history — it was already flourishing when the country gained independence in 1965. While it went into limbo in the ’70s, it enjoyed a resurgence in the mid to late ’90s thanks to directors such as Eric Khoo and Jack Neo. This cultural renaissance led to a new wave of young directors emerging in the 21st century, including Anthony Chen, Boo Junfeng, and Wee Li Lin.
Many Singaporeans are familiar with Neo, who is practically a household name among locals in the country. But what about other directors and their works? Take our quiz to discover how much you know about the film scene here.
The Singapore Film Quiz
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